23 August 2007

World Mythos: Creation Part I

This is the first part of an epic update that I have in the works. It has taken me some considerable time to get this all banged out, so I do hope you all enjoy it.

The world itself, while it was but the imaginings, was formed with the Heavens and the Depths, so that all beings might find a place to dwell. The Great Being, in Its wisdom, formed all of the Planes from nothing. However, It came to pass from existence upon completion of Its work. In doing so, It fell and fragmented into three. The Three Weavers, as they are known, received their life from the essence of the Creator.

The Weavers, when they were formed, received their strength and knowledge from That which formed them. The three Weavers, in their female form, knew what it was that each of the worlds needed. They, though being from the same One, were nonetheless different from each other, and wove into the shapeless Planes that which was needed.

The first Weaver, taking on the mantle of the Crone, appeared old and withered, but holding all wisdom, wove knowledge and wisdom itself into the Planes, taking careful pride in the Heavens, for theirs was home and access to Paradise.

The second Weaver, taking on the mantle of the Beauty, was of youth and zeal for life, itself. She wove strength and pride into the Planes, but her own joy was in weaving the Depths, in effort to balance out the Crone, and perhaps outdo her abilities.

The third Weaver, placed herself between the Crone and the Beauty, took on the mantle of the Maiden. Exercising prudence and temperance, took that which that which was between the Heavens and the Depths, and interwoven, became the Prime, where all beings might meet and events transpire.

Soon after this was begun, the Weavers knew that the tapestry that was the Planes would become their undoing. Upon seeing this, the Crone stated that they will need others to continue their work, for the Prime would remain incomplete otherwise. Thus, seeing that it would remain incomplete, the Weavers began a new work upon the central realm. It would remain neutral to the Heavens and the Depths, as the Maiden gave of herself to all three, while the Crone and the Beauty gave much of themselves to the Heavens and the Depths.

So it was that the three Weavers plied their strengths and essences, so that they would be a part of the Weave, rather than separate from it when they pass on. All of the strands so worked by the Weavers became the Nine who were of the whole, the Nine Divines. These Nine were to be Guardians against the beings of that which the Crone and that which the Beauty had wrought, for the weavings of both the Heavens and the Depths began to draw breath.

Upon their completion of the Heavens and the Depths, and upon completion of the Nine Divines, did the Weavers breathe their final breaths into the world, finally granting the Divines breath of their own. These Divines will be what finally crafts the world into what is now here.

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